Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Everyone has at least one phobia right? Well, some has ablutophobia(fear of washing or bathing), achuoplhobia(fear of darkness), aeroacrophobia(fear of open high places), agliophobia(fear of pain), altophobia(fear of heights), brontophobia(fear of thunder and lightning), cibophobia(fear of food) and also my fear version of going to Nasional Service(NS)....Natiphobia. How's this name? Anybody has a better version?

As I reflect on this fear of mine, it dawned upon me that it is unnecessary to fear things which are beyond my control. A good friend of mine thought so too. I've been looking to men and also all over the place for means and ways just to avoid going to NS though I'll only know if I'm going next year. On deeper thought, the reasons I have for not going are so lame. It could be my mindset and attitude too. I need to know assuringly that everything will turn out just fine.

Everyone keeps telling me that I should let God's will be done for my future as He knows best but the sound of it just makes your heart stop beating for a small fraction in time, doesn't it? Yea, trust the Lord...I know but being human, I tend to worry a little bit. Hehe...

But oh well, I try my best to surrender to God because He works for the good of those who love Him, right? And I do love Him. =)

Goodnight and God bless!


Anonymous said...

This's my nick. Jojo. Hehe. Anyway, I didn't know you were afraid of NS. Haha. I have my fair share of doubts about it too. Well, Thank God you have a blog. Now I can not only bug you via phone, I can stalk you online too. Haha. Kidding. Just to encourage you, "Blessed are those who are meek, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who are poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven". (found between Matt 5:3-8) Don't take it as what you see. What I know is that, these verses encourage us to follow His will without doubt and with confidence in Him; and also if you're discouraged, He's there always. Remember this, He never gave up on us, and never will, so Don't Let GO!

PS, Cbox is a chatbox so that ppl can drop short msgs to bug you.. XD

Anonymous said...

Well, it's great to receive a word of encouragement. I guess I just worry too much like the quotation that goes "Worry is like a rocking chair, always having something to do but not getting anywhere." I know it in my head but it takes much effort to gradually transfer it to my heart. I deleted my Cbox given the fact that I usually chat on MSN. =) contemplating if I should add it back.

Jue. said...


its great to know that you're surrendering to the Lord for things like these. He knows the desires of your heart ;)

And I so agree that you should put up a chat box. Ask me how if you don't know hehe.

See you tonight!

Anonymous said...

Hey lyn, I do know how 2 put up a chatbox. Haha...guess I'll do so when I have the time. =) Well, you're gonna be 18 soon. I wanna be the first to wish you happy birthday. So, blessed birthday Jue Lyn!